Nien cheng interview questions
Behavioral interview questions.
Nien cheng interview questions
"It is the will of the people which will prevail"
Year after year she resolutely refused to make a false confession. No single passage in her book can quite convey the utter integrity, dignity, and strength that resisted torture, grief, the weight of the mentality of an entire country insisting that everyone must think, had to think, what was currently being dictated.
Given more recent events in Tiananmen Square, Sentinel readers may find Mme.
Cheng's experience more timely than ever. As government is more firmly rooted in law rather than people, she states, "the will of the people ... will prevail." Her conviction echoes the founder of this magazine, Mary Baker Eddy, who wrote: "Unconstitutional and unjust coercive legislation and laws, infringing individual rights, must be 'of few days, and full of trouble.' The vox populi, through the providence of God, promotes and impels all true reform; and, at the best time, will redress wrongs and rectify injustice.
... God reigns, an