Ken robinson ted 2006 transcript request

  • Ken robinson ted 2006 transcript request
  • Ken robinson ted 2006 transcript request status...

    &#;My contention is that creativity now is as important in education as literacy,and we should treat it with the same status.&#; ~Ken Robinson

    The following are excerpts from a transcript of Ken Robinson&#;s TED talk from , &#;How Schools Kill Creativity.&#; At over 32 million views, it is currently the most viewed of all TED talks from around the world.

    &#;There have been three themes running through [this] conference which are relevant to what I want to talk is the extraordinary evidence of human creativityThe second is that it&#;s put us in a placewhere we have no idea what&#;s going to happen,in terms of the idea how this may play out.

    I have a big interest in education, and I think we all have a huge vested interest in it,partly because it&#;s education that&#;s meant to take us into this futurethat we can&#;t you think of it, children starting school this yearwill be retiring in Nobody has a clue,despite all the expertise that&#;s been on parade for the past four da