Rezo tabukashvili wikipedia
Rezo tabukashvili wikipedia na.
Rezo Tabukashvili tells us about a generation which was 18-19 years old in the 1990s and now is somewhere in its forties.
Rezo tabukashvili wikipedia
The narrative moves about over this interval of twenty or twenty-five years. The novel begins with Tina, suffering from depression, going to see Sandro the psychotherapist, but she prefers to inform the doctor by letter about the events which caused her a deep trauma.
Sandro agrees to have this sort of relationship with his patient and so the text’s main feature is its epistolary form, in which the story of Tina’s and Gege’s love is told. As Tina herself says, this is an ‘old’ story, but they are not children or innocents and the circumstances in which their relationship developed are more up-to-date than ‘old-time’.
For example, Gege is involved in architectural tenders, while Tina opens a Facebook account with the aim of relieving Gege, who is ‘in the process of rehabilitation and reform’, even though he dis