History of thanksgiving rush limbaugh
History of thanksgiving for kids.
History of thanksgiving rush limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh and the True Story of Thanksgiving
On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I can’t help but remember our old friend, Rush Limbaugh – conservative talk radio’s titan who passed away in February of 2021.
That’s because each Thanksgiving Eve for three decades, El Rushbo would begin playing Mannheim Steamroller Christmas bumper music and read “The True Story of Thanksgiving” from his book, “See, I told You So.”
Now, what distinguishes a good Thanksgiving celebration from a great one is generally subjective, a bit like the conceptual art display featuring a banana duct-taped to a wall that sold for $6.2 million at a New York auction last week.
But from reading the popular press, you’d be forgiven if you assumed everything rises and falls on the food.
Thanksgiving by the culinary numbers is always impressive.
Americans will consume more than 46 million turkeys on Thursday, 21% of the total number produced all year. Add in 250 million pounds of regular potatoes, 50 million