Ceia stojka autobiography definition

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    1943 A decree dated 29 January orders that all "Zigeuner"/"Gypsy" families be deported to the "Zigeunerlager"/"Gypsy camp" at Auschwitz.

    Ceia stojka autobiography definition

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  • On the 3rd of March, Ceija, her mother, brothers and sisters are arrested and locked up in the Rossauer Lände prison in Vienna. In late March they are deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where they are registered on the 31st. Each member of the family has an identification number tattooed on their arm, starting with Z (Zigeuner).

    Ceija’s number is Z6399.

    Ceia stojka autobiography definition pdf

    The family is held in the B-II-e section, or “Camp of Tzigani families.” In all, some 23,000 Roma and Sinti are imprisoned in this camp. Ossi dies of typhus at age of 7.

    1944 Shortly before the liquidation of the "Zigeunerlager"/"Gypsy camp", Ceija, her mother Sidi and her sister Kathi are deported to the women’s concentration camp Ravensbrück where Mitzi was sent in April.

    Her brothers Karli and Hansi to Buchenwald and then Flossenbürg.

    1945 In winter, Sidi and Ceija are taken by truck, and th